On Thursday, in science class we separated a mixture. Inside the cup were 7 mystery objects and our task was discover what were the 7 objects and state our procedure.We were allowed to use 2 graduated beakers, a funnel, a graduated cylinder, cup, spoon, magnet, taunts, paper. The steps to the procedure were:
Step 1: First you should observe the cup to see what you are going to be touching.
Step 2 : Then pour the water from the cup into the graduated cylinder and when you pour the water, make sure that none of the other objects come out with it. Then use the funnel and pour it into the graduated beaker.
Step 3: After that observe the cup again and you will see something black. That is called Metal Filim. Use the magnet to pick up the Metal Filim and then put it into the one of the beakers. It might be hard but if you try your best you will be able to do it. Make sure you get it all out of the cup.
Step 4: Next examine the cup and you will find something white. Those are beans! Put that on the paper and let them dry.
Step 5: Use your pipette to extract some water from the container. See if any object has revealed itself by sight.
Step 6: Now put your graduated beaker that contains the water and put it on the hot plate and be careful because the hot plates are real hot. Stay away from the hot plate and keep the paper away because it might cause a fire and we know you don't want that. SO BE CAREFUL!!
Step 7: After a minute or two pour out some the water out of the graduated beakers.This will speed up the process of the water boiling.Watch too see if there are any changes in the water. Mark my words" only some of the water".
Step 8: Now identify all the different objects that you saw and have taken out of the cup. You should have been able to find 6 items. If not check back to see if you left a procedure out.
Step 9: Finally pour out the rest of your water into the drain. and check to what you have at the bottom of the beaker. At this point, you should have found 7 different objects including the object at the bottom of your graduated beaker.
Step 10: Now since you are done you must clean up all your supplies and including the tray. Then recycle the paper, metal strips and the cup. After that get a cup and paper for the next class and put all the supplies in order. Now you are officially done with this lab!
Hope you had fun!!
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